Terms of Use

These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") describe the conditions that apply to users when using this site, so please read them carefully and agree to these terms. Please use only those who can.
Additionally, these terms and conditions may be revised from time to time, so please check the latest terms and conditions before using this site.
In addition, specific pages within this site or other websites operated by our company that have links within this site may have terms of use separate from these Terms of Use. When using , please also check the terms and conditions listed therein.

About intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights (copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights) related to the content on this site (obtain these rights or apply for registration, etc. for these rights) (including all rights thereto)) are owned by us or our affiliates. Copying, downloading, altering, editing, reprinting, distributing, etc. these contents without our permission is prohibited, except for use within the scope permitted by these Terms and the law.
Users may use information (media materials and other materials) regarding our products and services that are made available for download from this site, as long as they comply with the following conditions.
(1) Do not remove any notices regarding rights such as trademark rights or copyrights.
(2) Do not use for distribution on the Internet or broadcast via media.
(3) not to modify, translate, adapt, or create derivative materials or derivative works based on the Information;
(4) make no additional representations or warranties with respect to the Documents;
In addition, acts such as hacking, reverse engineering, and source code analysis of this site are prohibited.

About disclaimer regarding the contents on this site

We carefully review the information posted on this site before posting it, but we do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or safety of this information. Therefore, please note that our company cannot be held responsible for any damage caused based on the information posted on this site.
Additionally, the information posted on this site is current at the time it was posted. Please be aware that this information may change after it is posted.

About the handling of personal information

Our company may handle information about users themselves in connection with inquiries from this site. Please refer to the privacy policy regarding the handling of information about users themselves, including personal information (as defined in the privacy policy of this site) on this site.

Governing law and exclusive jurisdiction

Unless otherwise specified, Japanese law shall apply to disputes arising in connection with the interpretation of these Terms and the use of this site.